Water System Information

The intent of this page is to provide information to the residents on specifics about the potable water system within the district.

Harris County MUD #537 is in a water supply contract with the City of Houston. This means the City of Houston provides water to the district from the City of Houston water plants and distribution pipelines. The City of Houston requires the district to have backflow prevention devices installed at the locations where the water lines enter district boundaries. These backflow prevention devices are located at both gate entrances on Old Katy Rd.

The district and its consultants continue to put in time and effort in monitoring the water pressure within the district. Currently, there is a pressure monitoring program that is being utilized throughout the district to monitor the water pressure at representative points within the district. The water pressure data is downloaded and analyzed each month. From the data collected within the last year, the City of Houston provides an average pressure of 46-50 PSI prior to flowing through the backflow protection device. The backflow protection device reduces pressure about 10-13 PSI. Based on the on-going pressure data, we have found that the water pressure in the district averages 35 PSI. After the water enters the home, it will lose about 8-10 PSI per story in the home. With this information, you can expect a pressure of 16-18 PSI at the top of the second floor and 6-8 PSI at the top the third floor.

The builders in Somerset Green are required to install residential pressure booster pump systems in all 4-story homes and although not required per code, many 3-story homes are built with pressure booster pump systems. As of February 2023, the district required all new homes be built with a pressure pump. These pump systems greatly improve water pressures in the top stories of the 3 and 4 story homes. Pressure pumps are also very helpful in emergency situations where the City of Houston cannot provide adequate pressure. Examples of emergency situations include, but are not limited to hurricanes, hard freezes, mechanical/electrical failures at water facilities and water main repairs. Pressure pumps must often be adjusted and checked for proper operation. The district is not responsible for maintenance and repair to private pump systems. The make and model of pumps vary from home to home, so it is recommended to refer to the user’s manual for instructions on how to operate and troubleshoot the pump system. There are also many plumbers in the Houston area that are certified to work on these types of pump systems.

The water utilities, wastewater utilities and stormwater pump station within Harris County MUD #537 are operated by Si Environmental. The operator is responsible for billing, collections, and field operation services for the above-mentioned utilities. Si Environmental has customer service representatives and field service technicians to assist the residents with any concerns pertaining to the water and wastewater utilities within the district.

The board members and district consultants are continuously trying to improve the community. We look forward to continuing to serve the residents of the district.

Boil Water Notice Information

Boil Water Notices – Boil water notices are required by the state regulatory agency, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or TCEQ. Boil water notices go into effect when the pressure of a water system drops below 20 PSI. Contaminants from outside of the water system can enter water pipes though small cracks and other pathways potentially threatening the safety and welfare of the public. The district can go into a boil water notice under the following circumstances:

  1. The City of Houston water system drops below 20 PSI.

    Since the district receives potable water from the City of Houston, it is required by state law that when the City implements a boil water notice, the district must also go under a boil water notice. Once the pressure is restored, The City of Houston is required to take water samples and have them tested by an outside lab. Samples are then tested to confirm the water does not contain any contaminants. Once the results confirm that no contaminants have entered the water system, the City removed the boil water notice for the City of Houston. Although not required, Si Environmental will also take samples inside the district boundaries to confirm the water is not contaminated. Once all samples are confirmed contaminant free, the district’s boil water notice will be removed.

  2. The City of Houston water system reduces pressure during an emergency to prevent complete water outage and the pressure inside the district drops below 20 PSI.

    There are times when the City will reduce pressures during an emergency to avoid a complete water outage. The City may reduce pressure below normal operating conditions but still above 20 PSI, therefore the City of Houston does not go into a boil water notice. During this type of event, it is possible that the pressure inside the district can drop below the state regulated 20 PSI. When the district pressure drops below 20 PSI, Si Environmental will then place the district on a boil water notice. Once the City increases pressure to normal levels, Si Environmental will have a third-party lab test the water for contamination. When the lab confirms that the water contains no contaminants, Si Environmental will notify residents that the boil water notice has been rescinded.

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