Harris County MUD 537 has recently seen a drop of pressure under 20 PSI, causing a state required issuance of a boil water notice. The district received approval from the City of Houston to remove the backflow preventers which has helped maintain increased pressures in the district. Although this piping modification has helped, the district is still experiencing a decrease in pressure, specifically during the hours of 4:30 A.M.-7:00 A.M and 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. All home irrigation systems will not be allowed to run during these times. Personal irrigation system schedules can be adjusted on the electronic control panels for each home and is homeowner’s responsibility to adjust watering schedule. Sprinkler schedules will still be restricted to odd/even days based on address numbers. These irrigation restrictions are aiming to stop the drop in pressure during peak hours of water consumption and to keep the system out of a boil water notice. If drought conditions persist and water pressure does not increase, further irrigation restrictions may be imposed.